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AtarIRC Documentation
Coded by Lonny L Pursell
(C)1996-97 by Lonny L Pursell and ENCOM
All rights reserved.
** FreeWare **
Use entirely at your own risk!
This program is FreeWare. This program is fully functional and there
are no disabled features or software keys required to use it. You
need not send me anything, however any donations will be accepted.
Lonny Pursell
101 1/2 S High Street Apt C
Columbus Grove OH 45830
E-Mail: atari@bright.net
WWW: http://www.bright.net/~atari/
IRC: lp @ #Atari
When reporting bugs please include the version number and a
_detailed_ description of your system setup.
Note: I do not have the time or desire to blindly track what
looks like bugs on non-Atari hardware. If this program fails
on an emulator I suggest you either don't use this program or
get a real computer.
Since the introduction of STiK some other programs have been designed
that emulate it or claim compatibility with STiK. This software was
coded for STiK. If this software functions with STiK but fails on
these others stacks then the problem has to be in the STiK emulation.
Please contact the author of the STiK emulator instead.
I'd like to thank...
All the people who sent me e-mail regarding the program.
Baldrick, evl, Flinny, GABBERKID, kellis, Matrixx, Q-Funk, and vitus
Sorry if I missed anyone!
IRC Client Information
A channel on IRC is referenced with the '#' in front of it. The
Atari channel would be refered to as '#Atari' in all related IRC
commands. Note that #Atari is the same as #atari.
Anything entered into the IRC client starting with a '/' is
interpreted as a command, otherwise it's echoed to the current
channel for all to see.
All commands not listed below are sent to the server just as you typed
them. The IRC client doesn't interpret them at all so any error
messages you see are server generated. An example would be '/whois
nick' which is a server command and thus not interpreted by the client
at all. Only commands interpreted by the client are listed below.
Misc Info
Supports a maximum of 10 simultaneous sessions in any combination
where a single session could be a channel, a query ,a DCC file
operation, or a DCC chat. If ran in a mode with more than 16 colors
then only the first 16 colors are used. Sound is supported but only
on machines which are equiped with DMA sound capabilities.
Command List
'/away' marks you as being away and displays the default message
'/away message' marks you as being away and displays 'message'
when on a clock symbol appears in the window info line
only the current channel is notified that you are marked as away
same as /quit
'/back' turns away off and uses the default message
'/back message' turns away off and uses 'message'
only the current channel is notified when you return
'/ban' shows a list of bans for the current channel
'/ban mask' will set a ban for 'mask' on the current channel
'/cab http://www.url' tells CAB to load web page 'http://www.url'
'/cab' this will load your own page
note: CAB must running for this command to work
'/capture' display capture file size in bytes
when on a 'c' in a circle appears in the window info line
all text shown in the scrolling area will be captured
when the limit is reached a bell sounds and capture is turned off
'/cd' displays the current path
'/cd path' sets the 'path' on the current drive
'/cd \' sets the path to the root of the current drive
'/cd ..' backs up one folder on the current drive
'/chdrive' displays the current drives
'/chdrive d' set the current drive to 'd'
note: /d: will also change the drive where d = drive letter '/a:'
'/clientinfo' request clientinfo from everyone in the current channel
'/clientinfo nick' sends a clientinfo request to 'nick'
'/clientinfo #channel' request clientinfo from everyone in '#channel'
'/clientinfo nick ?' fetches a list of supported parameters
parameters supported:
'cjar' fetch cookie jar
'email' fetch e-mail address
'ip' fetch ip address
'module' fetch STiK version information
'name' fetch real name
'ram' fetch st ram and tt ram sizes in bytes
'server' fetch server name and port number
'tos' fetch TOS version number
'video' fetch video mode details
'www' fetch www url
'/connect' attempt connection to default server and port
'/connect i' attempt connection to 'i' from the server list
'/conncet server' attempt connection to 'server' on default port
'/conncet server port' attempt connection to 'server' on 'port'
note: a valid /connect command can be passed as a parameter at start up
same as /cd
/CTCP nick message
'/ctcp nick' defaults to '/ctcp nick version'
'/ctcp nick message' sends a ctcp 'message' to 'nick'
the 'message' will be converted to uppercase
ctcp returns 'errmsg' in reply to unsupported ctcp commands
'/dcc' same as '/dcc list'
'/dcc list' shows status of current dcc connections and channels
'/dcc get' accept current dcc window
'/dcc get nick' accept dcc from 'nick'
'/dcc close' closes current dcc connection window
'/dcc close nick' closes dcc connection to 'nick'
'/dcc chat nick' starts a private chat session with 'nick'
'/dcc send nick' send 'nick' a file via the file selector
'/dcc send nick file' send 'nick' a 'file'
if the remote end doesn't send the file size it displays '-1' instead
'/debug' shows connection data which is all in $hex
'/debug #' where '#' is a number from 0 to 255 for debug level (0=off)
currently only bits 1 and 2 are used
'/debug on' begins data logging (same as '/debug 1')
'/debug off' stops data logging (same as '/debug 0')
'/debug mem' show free memory status
'/degub misc' show some internal values
the log file will contain all data going in and out of the irc client
holding the alternate key when the program starts begins logging too
a check mark appears in the window info line when debug mode is on
'/define' displays the current contents of all ~variables
'/define string' is used to define the variable ~user only
example: '/define lp' would set variable ~user to 'lp'
'/delete' calls file selector
'/delete file' deletes 'file' from disk
the file will be deleted when you press return with no warning
'/deop nick' will take operator status away from 'nick' if you are an op
more than one nick can be listed seperated by spaces
'/dfree' returns the free bytes on the current drive
'/dfree d' returns the free bytes on drive 'd'
'/dns hostname' resolves 'hostname' into an ip address
'/dir' lists all files in the current drive path '*.*'
'/dir mask' lists all files in the current drive path matching 'mask'
files show sizes and and folders show '<dir>' instead
press escape to abort the dir
'/disconnect' disconnects you from the server only (default quit message)
'/disconnect message' disconnects you from the server with 'message'
all dcc connections remain intact and active
'/echo nick message' requests an echo from 'nick'
'/echo #channel message' requests an echo from everyone in '#channel'
same as /quit
'/find data' will search the user list for 'data'
this command translates to '/who *data*'
'/finger' fingers everyone in the current channel
'/finger nick' sends a finger request to 'nick'
'/finger #channel' sends a finger request to everyone in '#channel'
'/finger user@host' will finger 'user' at 'host'
'/ignore' displays current ignore list (a max of 5 can be set)
'/ignore host' add or remove 'host' to or from the ignore list
when ignore is on an 'X' appears in the window info line
note: 'host' can be a full host name or a partial host mask
example: someone logged on as: 'dork@ppp4-duh.netcom' you can use:
'/ignore dork@ppp4-duh.netcom' (full user@host name)
'/ignore ppp4-duh.netcom' (host name only)
'/ignore duh.netcom' (partial host name)
'/ignore .netcom' (this would ignore all netcom users!)
'/invite nick' will invite 'nick' to the current channel
'/invite nick #channel' will invite 'nick' to '#channel'
same as /join
'/join' joins the default channel
'/join #channel' join IRC '#channel'
'/kick nick' remove 'nick' from current channel and display default message
'/kick nick message' remove 'nick' from current channel and display 'message'
'/kickban nick' kicks and and bans 'nick' with a simple nick mask
default kick message is used
'/kickban nick mask' kicks and bans nick with specific 'mask'
default kick message is used
'/kickban nick mask message' kicks and bans 'nick' with 'mask'
'message' will be used instead of default kick message
same as /part
same as /dir
same as /part
same as /disconnect
same as /connect
'/me message' displays your nick followed by 'messege'
you can also use your nick as a command rather than /me if you like
example: '/me loves Atari' displays 'lp loves Atari'
'/lp loves Atari'
'/mkdir folder' creates folder 'folder' on the current drive
/MSG nick message
'/msg nick message' sends 'nick' a private 'message'
example: '/msg lp Are we having fun yet?'
/NICK nick
'/nick newnick' changes your nick to 'newnick'
a nick has a maximum of 9 characters
'/notify' displays current notify list status (a max of 40 can be set)
'/notify nick' add or remove 'nick' to or from the notify list
note: setting your notify timer below 1 minute might cause flooding
when notify is on a '?' appears in the window info line
'/op nick' will give 'nick' operator status if you are an op
more than one nick can be listed seperated by spaces
'/part' leave current #channel
'/part #channel' leave a specific '#channel'
same as /ping
'/ping' ping everyone in the current channel
'/ping nick' ping 'nick' only
'/ping #channel' ping everyone in '#channel'
'/print' calls file selector
'/print file.txt' sends file 'file.txt' to the line printer
press escape to abort the printing
'/query nick' starts a query with 'nick'
'/query' closes a query
'quit' leave IRC and display default message (closes the IRC session)
'/quit message' leave IRC and display 'message'
example: '/QUIT I'll be back...'
ends all dcc connections that might still be active
exits the program
'rename file1 file2' renames 'file1' to 'file2'
the file will be renamed when you press return with no warning
'/rmdir folder' deletes folder 'folder' on the current drive
only empty folders can be deleted
'/search' same as doing '/list' so be prepared to for a long list
'/search string' does a '/list' but only displays matches to 'string'
'/send' calls file selector
'/send file.txt' sends 'file.txt' to the current window
the data is sent out the modem and eched to the screen too
press escape to abort the send
same as /connect
'/sound nick file' sends a sound command to 'nick' to play sound 'file'
'/sound #channel file' sends the sound command to the channel
'/sound nick' calls the file selector
'/sound nick ?' request a sound directory list from 'nick'
note: the file name is sent just as you typed it
'/time' returns the server time information
'/time nick' requests time information from 'nick'
'/time #channel' requests time information from eveyone in '#channel'
'/topic' displays the current channel topic
'/topic string' sets current channel topic to 'string'
'/unban mask' will remove the ban for 'mask' on the current channel
'/userinfo' request userinfo from everyone in the current channel
'/userinfo nick' sends a userinfo request to 'nick'
'/userinfo #channel' request userinfo from everyone in '#channel'
'/version' returns the server version information
'/version nick' requests version information from 'nick'
'/version #channel' requests version information from eveyone in '#channel'
'/view' calls file selector
'/view file' displays 'file' to the screen only
no data is sent out the modem
press escape to abort the view
same as /who
'/who' shows info about all users on the server
'/who *' shows info about all the members of the current channel
'/who lp' shows info only about 'lp'
'/who *bright.net*' shows info on all users matching 'bright.net'
'/xsound nick file' sends a dcc file request to 'nick' for 'file'
'/xsound nick ?' request a sound directory list from 'nick'
note: the file name is sent just as you typed it
sounds can also be requested in the open channel with !<nick> <file>
Dynamic Variables
Variables can be used in the command line.
The following commands support variables to:
/fkey strings
/away and /back messages
/quit messages
/userinfo reply
/finger reply
/kick message
/ping message
~nick your current nick
~chan current channel (same as prompt)
~join last nick that entered the current channel
~part last nick that left the current channel
~ping last nick that did a /ping on you
~finger last nick that did a /finger on you
~version last nick that did a /version on you
~msg last nick that sent you a private /msg or you did /msg too
~quit last nick that quit irc from current channel
~kick last nick that was kicked from the current channel
~ctcp last nick that sent you a /ctcp message or you did /ctcp too
~date current date format: mm/dd/yyyy
~time current time format: hh:mm:ss (24 hour clock)
~ctime connect time format: 00h00m00s
~invite last nick that sent you an invite message
~user user definable string
~rnick generates a random 9 character string to be used as a nick
~cnick last nick changed on any channel you might be in
~title irc client title
~email your e-mail address
~www your world wide web address
~rname your real name
~uname your user name
~hname your host name
~ip client ip address
~| return (only one per fkey and must be on the end if used)
~- outputs a single tilde character '~'
example: /fkey 1 my nick is ~nick and i am in channel ~chan~|
pressing f1 would display: 'my nick is lp and i am in channel #atari'
Misc Keys
ALTERNATE pause screen
this might help with viewing the channel /list
holding the alternate key down too long may cause data overflow?
BACKSPACE delete character to the left of the cursor
CLR\HOME clear the command line
CONTROL A opens the credit window
CONTROL B toggle bold text on and off
CONTROL C toggle light/colored text on and off
CONTROL D toggle auto dcc get on off (files only)
when on an '*' appears in the window info line
CONTROL F toggle flood control on and off
when on the tilde char '~' appears in the window info line
CONTROL G ring the console bell (at both ends)
CONTROL I toggle /ignore on and off
when on an 'X' appears in the window info line
CONTROL K tcp kick current window (really only good for dcc send)
CONTROL L toggle capture/logging on and off
when on a 'c' in a cirlce appears in the window info line
CONTROL M toggle incoming /msg bell on and off
when on a bell symbol appears in the window info line
CONTROL N toggle /notify on or off
when on a '?' question mark appears in the window info line
CONTROL O shuts all effects off (background redraws only)
CONTROL P ping server
CONTROL R toggle dcc resume on or off
CONTROL S toggle /sound support on and off
when on an musical note appears in the window info line
CONTROL U restore default colors (black text on a white background)
CONTROL V toggle reverse text on and off
CONTROL X removes the current nick from the TAB key buffer
CONTROL - toggle underline text on and off
DELETE delete character at cursor position
DOWN ARROW move cursor down
F1-F10 function key macro
HELP setup/configuration
INSERT last command recall
LEFT ARROW move cursor left
RETURN execute command line
RIGHT ARROW move cursor right
SHIFT CLR\HOME clear screen
SHIFT F1-F10 function key macro
SHIFT INSERT paste from clipboard
TAB auto /msg reply, this types '/msg nick' for you
UNDO terminate/close the current dcc connection window
UP ARROW move cursor up
( change window down one (keypad)
) change window up one (keypad)
- scroll command line history down (keypad)
+ scroll command line history up (keypad)
SHIFT-LEFT ARROW move cursor to the far left of current line
SHIFT-RIGHT ARROW move cursor to the far right of current line
SHIFT-UP ARROW move cursor to the top line
SHIFT-DOWN ARROW move cursor to the bottom line
Mouse Functions
BUTTON BAR selects one of the buttons in the bar
COMMAND LINE moves the cursor to the character clicked on
TEXT AREA left mouse button will cut
shift will append to clipboard
right mouse button will paste
alternate will cut/paste to the command line
control will cut/paste url to CAB
Known Problems
For some reason certain key combinations are interpreted as
though function key F13 was pressed when it was not.
To work around this minor bug do not define F13 as anything.
During a DCC file transfer the files remain open so if you happen
to do something that causes a media change on the same drive it
might cause the file to be closed and thus shorter than it should
be when complete.
Try not to do to many file operations while doing a DCC file transfer.